So LO is two days old and we just got home from the hospital. I've been trying to breastfeed since he was born, but I'm having a lot of issues with pain... severe pain that brings tears to my eyes - feels like needles jamming into my nipples. I worked with the nurses and a lactation consultant who all agree that he has a very strong and great latch, but I have very sensitive nipples. They said he "chomps down" and sucks really really hard, which combined with my sensitivity, is not a good mix. I already have bleeding and sores, and it hasn't even been three days I tried using a shield, but it actually hurts more, because he doesn't latch as well.

I keep thinking about supplementing with formula, but I don't want to throw him off since he's doing such a good job with nursing, and it has only been 2 days. But the pain! Did anyone else deal with this? What did you do?