M is 13 months today and I'm saying buh-bye to the pump!!!!

I started off 3x a day but then she started waking up at night again which took it down to 2x a day. But then for weeks I would barely get 2oz in my second pump session. Finally I admitted defeat and dropped that 2nd session. Then in the past few weeks I have only been getting 2-3oz during my pump. Last week I forgot 3x to pump but caught myself twice. The last time on Friday it was too late to pump. I was not engorged at all and took it as a sign. Last week we had been mixing cow's milk with her bottles and she has been doing good.

This morning I decided with my husband's blessing to stop pumping!

I didn't realize how liberating it would feel to be done with the pump!!!
I'm still nursing at wake up and bedtime.

When did you say buh-bye to the pump?