Do you ladies drink caffeine during the two week wait? This is the first time I am skipping the caffeine and it is brutal.. I guess my logic is I deal with it now, or when I get a .. Although I think the thrill of the makes it a bit easier..
Do you ladies drink caffeine during the two week wait? This is the first time I am skipping the caffeine and it is brutal.. I guess my logic is I deal with it now, or when I get a .. Although I think the thrill of the makes it a bit easier..
89 votes
pomegranate / 3438 posts
I drank coffee all throughout my last pregnancy except for a few weeks during the first tri but only because it made me nauseous. I kept it to just one cup in the morning. During my third tri I added either a small cup of coffee or a coke in the afternoon because I was getting horrible headaches (Dr. recommended it).
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
Drink! But I drank it during my pregnancy. Just cut back.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I drank coffee, had alcohol, ate everything in Mexico during my TWW that resulted in DD!
nectarine / 2987 posts
Didn't have a real TWW either time, so I drank coffee until it made me nauseous. Then it was easy to stop!
apricot / 441 posts
I'm pregnant now and drank coffee during the TWW and until it made me sick (a couple days ago, 7w). One cup is perfectly fine!
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
I drank caffeine during my pregnancy, up to the recommended limit, so I did the same during the TWW.
clementine / 777 posts
I voted Drink Until It's Pink, but you can drink after too. Honestly unless you have a crazy 4-5 cup a day habit, you're probably okay. Confession, I used to have that bad habit so when I was trying to conceive I slowly cut back to 2 cups a day caffeinated. From about 6-12 weeks I really didn't want much coffee because the smell grossed me out, most of the time I still don't, but if I do I drink it!
ETA: I also drank a lot of wine during the TWW. I had been trying for two years and I just said to heck with it. It was the holidays! And here I am, 17 weeks.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
I drank caffeine throughout my pregnancy.
I made zero changes in the TWW, and then just cut back once I got a positive test.
pear / 1703 posts
I abstained b/c I had had two back to back miscarriages and was being ultra paranoid. I also happened to read this article a few weeks ago.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
I didn't make any changes in the TWW, but I also continue drinking moderate caffeine throughout my pregnancies. Coffee isn't super appetizing to me when I'm pregnant, so I usually do tea instead--but that works better, anyway, because I can have a couple of cups without coming close to the recommended safe limit.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
I didn't realize I was in the 2ww this time (oops) so I drank a ton. In the past, I also never bothered to reduce it during the 2ww but I would go down to maybe the equivalent of one cup of coffee per day once I got a positive.
I just read the same article that @Autumnmama79 posted and since I've had multiple losses, I am thinking of cutting it out completely this time. Can't really help the fact that both DH and I drank a ton of caffeine beforehand though (we had no idea I was going to get pregnant).
persimmon / 1364 posts
Yes. And I drank it through my pregnancy. I just made sure to keep my caffeine intake to 200mg per day.
kiwi / 625 posts
I guess it is because I also had a recent loss, and I am older (38) so I feel I need to make my best efforts.. Also with my son, towards the end on my pregnancy he developed a extra heartbeat (I forget the technical term) and while the specialist we saw at the time wasn't the least bit worried, he did have me remove all caffeine for the duration of the pregnancy, including chocolate.. So I guess I am still on the super cautious side..
nectarine / 2436 posts
I drink my normal cup and a half every day of my pregnancy. Baby is perfectly healthy at 12 weeks old
pomegranate / 3809 posts
I switched to only decaf for the months leading up to my ivf cycle, then totally cut it out about 2-3 weeks before starting stims and only have a decaf maybe once a week now. Everything I've read and even one of the doctors I consulted with said a cup a day is fine... but I wasn't taking any chances since one of the tests I had done required me to abstain from coffee for 3 days prior to the tests. I had a few sips of coffee and chocolate fudge the day before (didn't make the connection of fudge and caffeine) and the test results were not good.
pomelo / 5220 posts
I didn't make any changes during the TWW. Coffee eventually grossed me out, so it was easy to cut out. Good luck!!
clementine / 756 posts
I drank coffee throughout the 2WW, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. I keet it under 200 most days, but don't sweat it if I go over here and there.
clementine / 955 posts
I asked my OB when I was pregnant, and he said unless I had a 6 cup a day habit, he wasn't worried. Thank god! I love me some coffee
honeydew / 7622 posts
Uh, I never gave up coffee during pregnancy. Unless you have a heart condition or something that you should steer clear of caffeine regardless.
apricot / 271 posts
I'm in the camp of drinking up to 200 mg during pregnancy and certainly during TWW! How else are you supposed to get through that wait? I needed my coffee and glass of wine lol #notsorry
pea / 21 posts
If it makes you feel better, I drank coffee throughout the TWW & pregnancy after IVF and I was 37 at the time. I had cut out coffee/caffeine prior to follow a fertility diet recommended by my acupuncturist & RE, but took the attitude of "if it's going to stick, it's going to stick" during my TWW (though I was at least partially wracked with guilt) and drank 1 cup of regular & 1 cup of decaf every day. My son was born happy, healthy, and overdue 5 months ago.
FWIW the current recommendations regarding caffeine are a bit misleading. There is a correlation between high caffeine consumption in the 1st trimester and an increased rate of miscarriage, but there is no evidence that the actual consumption is what causes the miscarriages. It may just be that increased nausea & accompanying intolerance of coffee is an indication of a (*statistically*) healthier pregnancy whilst women who are able to stomach a pot of coffee are likelier to have a miscarriage because the pregnancy is not going to stick no matter what. The evidence is much stronger regarding avoiding ibuprofen. Do whatever you feel comfortable with, but definitely don't unduly burden yourself with unnecessary guilt.
persimmon / 1045 posts
With my LO I was drinking one cup of coffee every few days prior to the bfp, with my second pregnancy last year I had been avoiding caffeine like the plague for a month prior and all through the early weeks...but that one was a loss. We are waiting to ttc again but will both be reducing coffee. My DH is a bit of a fiend with his espresso so I hope it helps us get lucky! Despite it having no bearing on our luck so far...🤔
nectarine / 2173 posts
None of the above. I drank 1-2 cups of coffee daily through my entire pregnancy. Coffee is fine in moderation.
persimmon / 1071 posts
I drink one cup a day and plan on continuing that throughout my pregnancy.
clementine / 854 posts
When we first started trying, I didn't. But after 4 months happened with no BFP, I figured it wasn't helping any so I started drinking coffee again. I only drink one cup a day though and it's more out of habit than necessity. If I had a problem with the lack of caffeine, I probably would start easing myself off, but because I can stop any time, I'm not going to bother.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I drank until it was pink and then continued in moderation. Both my girls are healthy as can be, a little caffeine is not going to hurt an unborn child.
olive / 62 posts
Related question: has anyone else read Expecting Better? (
I thought it was really helpful in looking back at actual studies (instead of articles written on them) and analyzing what they said. It also helped me understand why some things really are "off-limits" during pregnancy, and why others.... not so much.
apricot / 431 posts
I carry on with life as normal in the TWW, but didn't drink coffee until the very end of my pregnancy, even though my doctor said 1 cup a day was fine. I think it's all about doing what YOU feel comfortable with.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
I def drink coffee during tww! I had intense morning sickness immediately when I first had my bfp with lo that made it super easy to give it up, since the idea of it was revolting to me anyway, haha. I eventually added a cup back in when the MS subsided.
olive / 62 posts
@youboots: Amen. I loved having explanations and reasons. Any other books like it that you would suggest? It is a rare dose of sanity. Especially in light of a "new batch" of junky articles on caffeine and alcohol.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@mand4: I hadn't seen this book before you linked to it, but I plan to pick it up now! Thanks for sharing.
pea / 5 posts
I was one of those people who would start out each morning with four shots of espresso, then have two cans of soda or a 32 oz unsweetened tea throughout the day.
Now I try to keep it to a grande latte and one can of diet soda after O, and green tea and a can of diet soda before.
I want a baby. But I NEED caffeine.
honeydew / 7463 posts
I drank it until I was pregnant and even then until it made me nauseous. But in the 2nd tri I went back to a few a week.
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