So, we have gone from normal formula (first month) to gentlease (4-6 weeks) and now ProSobee (soy) since Friday. She is 7 wks today. Prior to the soy she was screaming when eating, spitting up a TON, and not sleeping for more than 30 min - an hour without waking up screaming. Clearly in pain. Switched to soy on dr's advice... And using gripe water, gas drops, and probiotic. That was Friday. She is pooing normally.
The transformation was immediate. She was so much better after the switch!! Then last night she woke up at 1:30 am and had turned back in to the baby I described above. Screaming/squealing, spitup, can't sleep well/soundly.
I guess my question is how long before calling the dr. again? I know 4 days isn't much time plus she could just have a tummy ache today. I feel like switching formula over and over too quickly might make her worse, too. Just not sure what to do. What would you do?