Brief history: I have one son who was conceived on the 2nd cycle off bcp. I had a missed miscarriage (conceived on 3rd cycle post bcp) with a D&C back in June 2013. We have been ttc one year this month but are on cycle #8 post miscarriage.

I just started some testing for a suspected LP defect/low progesterone problem this cycle with an OB that specializes in those things. She had me start with E2 tests every other day during my peak fertile time. I generally "ovulate" cd 16-19.

CD 13 my E2 level was 78
CD15 was 116
CD 17 (positive opk this day) it was 144
CD 19 Level dropped down to 78
CD 20 (yesterday) I had a temp rise and went higher this morning.

They said that I didn't ovulate because my level would have to be in the 200s to indicate a mature follicle. My chart looks exactly like it does every month and they all indicate some sort of ovulation (we sort of suspected it might be weak) but I imagine this has been happening all along. I'm going for a pelvic ultrasound this afternoon to make sure there aren't any issues there and then will do a progesterone level on Saturday because she wants the whole picture before we move forward.

It's a little disheartening to know that we may not have even had a chance this past 8 cycles. I've conceived twice before so it's confusing and I'm wondering what's changed. Anyone have any experience with this or any idea why my chart would indicate ovulation despite not ovulating?

*Technically this is secondary infertility but I figured I may get more responses in just fertility.