cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@alison206: I've heard stories of people Oing on Day 60 and getting pregnant.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@alison206: I don't see why you couldn't get pregnant with a late ovulation date. Hang in there!!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: You can definitely get pregnant on a long cycle! I looked at tons of BFP charts on FF with delayed ovulation
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@smurfette @sslm @grace - Im not giving up hope yet. I'm also not using OPKs anymore, at least not the cheap ones. Maybe ill try the digital next month. They made me crazy. I guess ill just temp and see where BDing gets us.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
Btw, bit the bullet today and upgraded FF for 90 days. I hope it's worth it!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: ok I think your temps leveling out is a great thing, so I think this morning's temp was good I am thinking about upgrading FF too, but we'll see. I'm thinking if I don't get pregnant this cycle then I will.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@dharmainitiative: What detection method are you using? I'm worried you haven't actually ovulated yet
Ok so sorry for the single posts! It's hard to reply to more than one person on my phone, especially if they're all on different pages!!
Update on me: Temp went up slightly this morning, not a big jump, but trying to be optimistic as I had a similar pattern last cycle. Only time will tell, so trying to be patient
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@sslm: Fingers crossed you see a higher temp tomorrow!!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
Can we do another summary? It would help if I could find everyone's chart on the same page, better for stalking
Cycles TTC: BFP on first cycle trying in Feb, then mc, now on 2nd cycle post mc. 2nd cycle of charting.
Where are you in the cycle? CD26 and no O yet!
Link to chart:
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@sslm: @Smurfette: Thanks ladies I'm resigning myself to the fact that perhaps my LP is normalized this month and will assume AF isn't due til Saturday. Didn't even bother testing again this morning, can't take the rollercoaster!
@sslm: Glad your temps went up a bit!!!!
Okay here's my update:
Cycles TTC: this is officially cycle 4. Cycle 1 was going off the pill/NTNT. Cycles 2 and 3 started using OPKs. Found out at the end of cycle 3 my cervix was pretty much closed (stenosis), I believe from a LEEP 2 years ago. Had it corrected at the beginning of cycle 4 so DH has high hopes for this round and thinks we should consider this cycle 1 (haha, bless him).
New this month: used pre-seed because I have no CM to speak of, charting.
Where are you in the cycle? CD34/13dpo.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@dharmainitiative: you still here?? Are you using OPKs? I'm confused by your chart!! Any O symptoms?
grapefruit / 4079 posts
Cycles TTC: BFP on first cycle trying in April (I guess that was my March cycle), mc, and first cycle back on.
Where are you in the cycle? CD 23
Here is my chart: My Ovulation Chart
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@sslm: Your chart looks promising!!
@Jojogirl: Hubs and I keep going back and forth on Preseed... do you like it?
grapefruit / 4079 posts
Question.... could my temp dipping today indicate O around the corner?
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@alison206: Yes! My temp dips before I O usually.
Here's my update:
Cycles TTC: 4rd cycle TTC
New this month: assuming it's not going to work this month, haha. Actually, we just booked a vacation for Sept. in which I'd like to be able to drink (margaritas on the beach!), so a couple more unsuccessful cycles won't be too bad (says the perpetual optimist). Also, I think I'm gonna try the every other day instead of every day this cycle.
Where are you in the cycle? CD14, I usually O between CD18 and 20
Link to chart:
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@alison206: I think it looks really good for a spike in the next day or two!
@Rachel: I like that attitude. Way to look at the positives. Of course I hope that you end up not being able to drink!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@alison206: I'm not sure. We used it once and it was kind of...messy? Maybe used too much?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@JoJoGirl: @alison206: How much did you use that it was messy? I used it the cycle we got pregnant, so I swear by it, haha. I only used about 1 to 1.5 oz though, which I think is less than it calls for.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@JoJoGirl: @alison206: We have to something cause I am dry like all the time. I would only fill it up about halfway though. DH never made a comment to be about it and if it was messy. I will say though for the next 24 hours it messes up your CM watch.
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@Smurfette: So this might be TMI, but do you like, secretly put it in before you do the deed? Does DH not know? I've never used any kind of lube, but lots of people seem to have good results with preseed
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Rachel: Not TMI! He knows about it, but I didn't apply it in front of him. I would usually go into the bathroom before I knew we are going to start. I think that you can have it in up to 2 hours before hand. We only used the applicator during the time around when I knew I was ovulating. Otherwise we used it just like any other lube or we used the regular lube. Which he gets puts on right before the actual BD starts after the foreplay.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Rachel: @Smurfette: I originally tried to put it in before Hubs came to bed, because I was embarrassed and it suggests putting it in 15-30 minutes early so it can "soak in" or something. But the last couple times, I just did it in front of Hubs before we got busy.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@rachel @smurfette @adira: I'm def considering trying it, however it is pricey. Since next month is the dream month I am willing to pull out all the stops and try preseed, and CB OPKs.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@rachel @smurfette @adira: TMI but lubricant isn't an issue for me, so is it worth the money? Some people swear that it's how they got pregnant.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
Ummm I was going to ask about this but was too embarrassed, so I'm glad it came up!!! I stood in the bathroom an used the applicator to 'apply' the pre-seed internally, and - sploosh - it immediately fell out all over me and the floor. I was horrified. It had been an entire applicator full, so I think there was enough left that it was there during BD to 'work', but I clearly am no pre-seed expert
@alison: my preseed came with a $10 off coupon for CB digital OPKs so buy it first!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@alison206: I think it depends. Are you seeing EWCM at all during your fertile window? I almost NEVER saw any, which is really why I bought the Pre-Seed. While I always need a little lube to help me out, plenty of foreplay and maybe a little saliva was all I needed. But I had read that saliva can slow sperm down, so that, combined with the lack of EWCM is why I ended up getting and using Pre-Seed.
@JoJoGirl: hahaha, sorry that happened to you!!! I always applied the Pre-Seed while lying down in bed, and then I would lay there for a couple minutes before getting up (to dispose of the applicator and get my husband).
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@alison206: I agree with @Adira, all depends on if you have a lot of EWCM. Since I am so dry we normally use lube, and lube doesn't work for making a baby. I also don't get a ton of EWCM. Preseed is just like EWCM, so personally I don't see that more can hurt you. I ordered it off amazon and it was $20, which I didn't think was super expensive. Especially since after three cycles we still have some left. I do think that you can use it half the amount they recommend and it will last longer.
@JoJoGirl: That totally made me laugh!! I always used the applicator while sitting on the toliet, like you do with a tampon. Then I just got up and went back into the bedroom.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@smurfette @adira @rachel @jojogirl - I think I'll give preseed a try and thanks for the tip that it comes with a coupon for CB OPK!
My husband would kill me for saying this here but I do think I'm getting ready to O soon cause I'm craving the BD.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@JoJoGirl: Ha! That's hilarious. I only use 1 oz, so yeah, I can see the giant goosh happening!
@Rachel: I used the preseed in the bathroom before. Using the applicator isn't that elegant, so I didn't want it to be a mood killer. It feels a lot like the lube that you body produces naturally, unlike regular lube which I've found quite sticky. I told DH afterwards and he said that he couldn't tell the difference from the natural stuff either.
@alison206: Temp dip happens on O day for me and if you are feeling amourous (to quote DH), then get busy, Lady!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: sadly, not even close. I'm at the end of my rope. I'm looking into seeing a therapist. Ugh.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@sslm: I so get it. I've found one for myself. I think I'm taking myself out of the running this month. Hang in there. TTC is hard as it is but I think suffering a loss intensifys it by a million. We will get threw this!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@alison206: Oooo, maybe! I see you have an open circle though. Did you chart earlier or later than normal?
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@grace - yes and no. I use to chart at 7:00AM and got really consistent readings. When summer vacation started I switched to 9:00AM (I'm a night owl) and noticed I was tossing and turning before my alarm would go off enough to wake me up to temp. I think that really affected my temps. I switched back to 7:00AM mid-cycle.
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