Hi, just wondering if anyone had any thoughts. We’re not try right now, but I have 32/33 day cycle usually though I have only had two so far pp with my second kid.
My period is 3 days late and there’s only a super slim chance I could be pregnant so I don’t know what is up. I have these cheapy pregnancy tests and ovulation tests. I had a very dark ovulation test a few days ago and now they’re about as dark as the pic below. I also have had two squinty squinters on hpt, one was yesterday and one was the day before yesterday. On today’s hot I can’t see anything. The pic I’ll post has yesterday’s hpt on the top, today’s on the bottom and today’s opk which was taken with fmu as was the hpt.
What is going on? I’m going a bit crazy. Is this just a weird test thing?
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