We are planning on doing our first IUI (paired with Letrozole and Ovidrel) in September (during a cycle that should theoretically start at the end of August). After several months of being "on a break", I'm getting impatient - but for insurance/financial reasons, we definitely won't be doing the IUI any earlier than what's currently planned.

We did three rounds of Clomid back in the spring, and all were (obviously) BFNs. But as we're getting closer to our last pre-IUI cycle, I'm toying with the idea of using my final Clomid refill next cycle, just for the hell of it.

I'm going to call my RE on Monday to see if she has an opinion either way (she's won't, she'll tell me to go for it if I want to, and hold off if I don't), but am curious - what would you do? (The Rx is only $15, so finances are a non-issue).