Last week at CD 10, 11, 12 I noticed very wet CM and assumed O was on the way. On CD 13 I left for a trip overseas (without DH) and noticed my CM got dry quickly. I took OPKs on 11, 12,13 and only had a faint line.

Anyway, i just returned home last night -today is CD20 and I have noticed EWCM- not as abundant as earlier this cycle, but definitely there and more "egg white" than before.

Could I be gearing up for O now this late in my cycle? The jet lag really took a toll on me and with the stress of my conference/travelling I'm wondering if I had delayed O? Is this possible? Wondering I I should go get another OPK or if it's pointless.

Also my cycles since being off the pill have been unpredictable - 28, 25, 29 and 30 days.

This baby making stuff is tough!!!