Hi all
I wanted to share this new thing I discovered, in case any of you are in the same boat I've been in. Everyone recommended acupuncture for infertility and I did some research and determined that it wasn't something I could afford.
My midwife told me about these community acupuncture clinics popping up all over the country. They are basically acupuncture clinics where you sit in a room with a few other people while you have your treatment. They only use points on your arms, legs and head, and they have comfy arm chairs and blankets and soft music playing. Both clinics I've been to spend at least 10-15 minutes ahead of time going over your paperwork and discussing your issues in detail on the first visit. Best of all, they are so affordable. Many use a sliding scale with the high end being around $35. The one I'm going to now is $20/treatment! I thought it was a great alternative for those of us who have spent all of our extra money on other treatments and diagnostics! I figure, it's worth a shot!