I am sooo confused about the recommended sleep requirements for babies. Some books and sources say 11-12 hours at night (like Weissbluth and Baby Whisperer) but then other sources say 9-10 hours at night (Ferber). I am trying to figure out if my LO needs more sleep or if I am trying to make her sleep longer than she needs/requires? She goes down around 7/7:30pm and wakes up around 5:45/6am, with 1 feed in there. How many hours of overnight sleep does your LO get and how many hours of naps per day?

DD is almost 7 months and gets around 10.5 hours at night and she typically has 2 naps (2 1/2 hrs and 1 1/2 hrs for a total of 4 hours during the day. Total daily sleep around 14-15 hours.