I'm considering stopping breastfeeding (it's been 3 months), but I want to give it a little more time to see if things will improve. I guess you could say I had a rough start. It took 2 weeks for my milk to come in, and then I've had supply issues on-and-off. We had to supplement with formula from the very beginning.
Fenugreek helped me get my supply up a little bit for the first month that Jacob was in daycare. I was able to pump enough for him, but just barely. It's dropped down again, and now I'm only able to pump about 50% of what he eats. The amount he drinks keeps on going on up, too. The pediatrician would like to start solids at 4 months actually. In addition, he's started to teeth and doesn't always want to nurse, and has developed a bottle preference. I don't always have pumped milk, so he ends up getting formula.