So, basically every time I have a conversation with my mom, she has been asking us if we are TTC.

I kept saying no/avoiding the subject because I assumed she was going to tell me that we should wait a little longer (we just got married last September), enjoy being married first, etc.

They got married when they were 25 and didn't have me until they were 30, so they took a lot of time to just "be married" and they had been giving me similar advice about it anytime it has come up in the last couple of years.

Well, during our phone conversation last night, I finally caved and told her we were TTC currently. And I was totally unprepared for her response.

She was SO excited! She didn't say anything about it being "too soon" or anything and then immediately screamed across the house to my dad that we were trying. That was a little embarrassing. But then, my dad was so excited that he got on the phone to congratulate us and tell me how excited he was.

I just wasn't expecting this at all! I'm glad they are supportive, and I don't know why I am even surprised. They've always been the most supportive people and happy for me no matter what.

I just thought I'd share!