Hi ladies! I had my D&C yesterday (for those that don't know, our 11 week ultrasound last Weds revealed we lost the pregnancy at 8 weeks and some change).

This is my 2nd D&C (first was in January, 7.5 week appt revealed 6 week loss).

So far this bleeding pattern is way different than the first and I was just curious about your other experiences? For those who have had a D&C:

-Did you bleed a lot or a little right after? Last time the first 48 hours it was like I had some spotting - a liner could have handled it - and little to no cramping. Then it got slightly heavier for a couple of days but still less than a normal period for me, I'd say.
This time its a full on flow immediately after - heavier than a normal period for me. I'm thinking that either the first doctor "removed" more than the 2nd did? OR there's just more bleeding because I was further along?

- How long did it last, if you were a heavier bleeder up front? The doctor made it sound like I'd just have a light period and spot for a week or two. Since this is a bit heavier than she described (not constant, it comes in 'spurts' sorry if that's TMI) I'm wondering how long it could last like this?

Thanks ladies! And if you post on this thread I'm sorry that it means that you had to go through a D&C too. Blah.