One of our favorite teachers from our daycare passed away last night. She was diagnosed with an aggressive stage 4 cancer at the end of September and only made it a few more months. She was a teacher for the older children and even though our older child is now in elementary, we still have a younger child in the school. The daycare has very low turnover and I know that most of the teachers there have known her for a very long time and are most likely hurting at the moment.

I'm trying to think of something to let them all know we are sorry, but bringing in donuts for the group seems inappropriate. I was thinking of bringing in some flowers and note cards so that parents can fill out their memories of Ms. Mary. The daycare never made an official announcement that she was sick though and I only learned of it on facebook, so I'm worried this might be an over-step.

What do you think of this idea? Anyone have any other ideas to help us show our appreciation for Ms. Mary and to let the other teachers know we're thinking of them?