i brought up delayed cord clamping at my last routine prenatal appt and my ob said that they don't normally do it because they prefer immediate skin to skin. she explained that if we wanted to delay cord clamping, she'd have to hold the baby below the level of the placenta so that the cord blood would drain. so i just left it at that (we still have plenty of time to discuss). plus, we may have different ideas of what delaying is, so i'll have to ask about specific minutes.

but i thought about it some more after leaving. it makes sense that if the baby is lower, the cord blood would drain more quickly. but the cord also pulses, so that wouldn't really be necessary.

so for those that were able to delay cord clamping, did you get immediate skin to skin? or did they hold your baby lower for a while (30 seconds? 1 minute?) first? and how long were you able to delay? 3 minutes? 15 minutes? longer?