Hellobee Boards


DH wants me to wean in the next few weeks....

  1. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    I know lots of women who have gotten KU while breastfeeding. Maybe you could start temping and that would help you figure out when you're ovulating even though you're not getting your period? I don't think you need to have your period back to get pg again. Are you ready to stop bfing or is this just something you want to do so your period comes back?

    And I agree with Mrs Jacks - with her sttn, your period will come back soon.

  2. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    My sister and good friend both got KU while breastfeeding (and not TTC). I would give it a few more weeks, unless you are ready to wean her as well.

  3. rachiecakes

    coconut / 8279 posts

    @PrincessBaby: no advice on weaning, DS refused at 10.5/11 months and I couldn't force him, so that was easy. But as far as bottles go, we went with Tommee Tippee and DS loved them. We called it the 'boob-bottle', the top is wider and made to feel natural to BF'ed babies. It did take him a few times to get used to.
    He never ever took a sippy cup - he wasn't really sure what to do with it - but he LOVED a straw cup and once he got going on those, we were golden! I probably bought 20 sippys before getting a straw. I wish I had known sooner, haha
    Hopefully AF shows up and you'll be on your way to having another little princess - or a prince! - soon

  4. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    I'm in the same boat. I understand, the hardest thing is not knowing how long it will take and what is going on in there!!!

    I'm off the minipill and just going to see what happens until she's a year. (Although I am nursing/pumping less graduatlly up until then - and she's STTN) Then I'm going to wean and hope my body gets with the program. Most moms I talk to say they got their first period around 11 months post partum. I'm hoping I'm the same!

  5. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @kml636: eeeek are u ntnp!??! Crazzzzzy excited!!

  6. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    Ds started sttn and nght weaned at 12 wks. Af came back at 4.5 mths. But also didn't regulate for a fee mths (2nd cycle was 56 days later). Id say start slow weaning and that combined w h sttn af is bound to show up soon! I think you need to do what is beat for ur family and your comfort level! You've had an amazing bfing Journey already! Good job mama!

    As far as btls we use tt btls. I've also heard good things about comotomo?

  7. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @mrsjyw: yeah I guess we are! I'm terrified/excited...


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