Recently I checked around local daycare facilities and learned the going rate for full time infant care is $1000/mo. I came home, told DH, and remarked that at this rate my dream of staying home didn't make sense. Being a SAHM was a pipe dream, but I hear couples say the cost of childcare outweigh the benefit (work income+gas+lunch+wardobe) of the wife, so she opts to be a SAHM.

I guess I hurt DH's pride because he said he could support us if I stayed at home. My response was laughter and a reminder it takes two especially since our yummy wild Norwegian salmon cost me $52 at the market the other day. DH explained things would have to change-we would eat differently. I guess he would clean the pool, and cut the grass himself too. Dream on!

We both like stuff and services, so I will work. DH has never ever encouraged my dream of staying at home until I said definitively we didn't need too.

Has anyone else had one of these change of heart convos?