Yesterday, DH & I went to an NBA game & a comedy show for our first official date since LO was born. We dropped LO off at my mom's at 4 and picked her up around 10:45. Like a fool, I didn't bring my pump (I guess I underestimated how much time we would be gone). By the time we were leaving the comedy show, I was so, so engorged and my breasts hurt more than they ever had before. I was in the car hand expressing milk into a napkin when finally, we stopped at a fast food restaurant, asked for a cup, and I used the cup to hand express my milk into to relieve some of the pain/pressure. I ended up almost filling the cup up with milk.
LO nursed when we got home & during the night. Today, my breasts feel less full, almost empty. It's crazy & worrying me! She has nursed throughout the day & I can hear her swallowing. Also, I can squirt milk out, but it's just crazy that after I failed to nurse/pump for 7 hours yesterday, the next day my boobs feel, um different.
Did I hurt my supply? Why do my boobs feel lighter & emptier? What can I do to fix it?