J is just over 12 months and all of a sudden a REALLY picky eater. Foods that used to be his favorites he now refuses to eat. The only meal that he really eats anymore is breakfast. But most lunch and dinners he makes faces, spits his food out and throws it on the floor.

I know it's probably silly but I do wonder about him not getting enough to eat - he has consistently always been about 6th percentile for his weight. I kind of prided myself on him being a FANTASTIC eater in spite of his weight (I wondered where he put it all!) but now that he's hardly eating anything I do worry... I'm trying to nurse him more but he is becoming disinterested during the day because there are so many other interesting things to do/play/see.

I'm hoping this is a phase and he resumes normal eating habits soon. This has been going on for about two weeks.