I've been tracking my cycle for about half a year. I have a 26 day cycle and ovulate on day 15, which makes for an 11 day luteal phase. That seems fine, and I wasn't worried about it, but some months I spot for a few days before my period starts in full force, starting around day 8 or 9 of the luteal phase.
I figured spotting was normal but decided to google it and found one site saying that spotting before your period starts, particularly if it starts on day 10 or sooner of the luteal phase, can be a sign of luteal phase defect. Then of course it goes on to talk about not being able to get pregnant and repeated loss
I know I should probably just ask a doctor, but I first have to see a nurse practitioner for a referral, and I've found it works best if I can be specific and forceful about why I'm concerned and why a referral is medically necessary. I'm not sure if this is normal and I shouldn't worry about it until we've been trying for a year, or if it isn't normal.
Anybody have a similar cycle? Did you do anything to lengthen your luteal phase before conceiving, or was it not necessary?