I am looking for some advice on getting my breast pump. I have had my heart set on a Freestyle based on everything I have read. One of my goals in life and into future momhood is trying to simplify and make things easier. In light of my job demands and everything else we have going on – not to mention learning all there is to know about having a little baby and a job, too – it just seemed like a no-brainer to splurge on the nice pump that “moms like me” (from what I read through the lines) seem to rave about.
My insurance changed at the beginning of this month and, before it did, I compared what I was offered in the way of pumps and upgrades by my old insurance (Humana) and my new insurance (Aetna). I was so excited that the Medela Freestyle was going to “only” cost me $160 more after my new insurance kicked in. My thinking/thought was that it was worth the extra $ to have a great pump to help me sustain a breastfeeding commitment in light of my job demands and that it would be worth every extra penny.
I’m now having second thoughts because I found that Medela’s package offered through my new insurance has now changed since I checked the offerings last month. They are offering it at an upgrade cost to me of $200, they say, because it comes with a hands-free bra. (I called Medela to confirm that.) I’m bummed. I wanted it for $160 and now $200 is starting to seem a little ridiculous when anyone could buy it on Amazon (sans bra) for $282 right now.
So, Freestyle users, is it worth it and will it REALLY make the crazy times ahead a little less crazy?