Here is the info for my medical plan options. We did the high deductible plan last year and it was mostly fine, except it was difficult to find a pulmonologist in network for DS. We have one now, but it is over an hour drive away. We have no major medical expenses coming up this year, other than managing DS’s respiratory issues, which is through medication at this point. Which would you choose?
Blue Cross High Deductible Plan (limited Network) = $136.01 per paycheck = $3536.25 per year
Deductibles: $1500 individual / $3000 family
Copays: $40 sick visit / $60 specialist visit / $0 vaccines and well visits / 20% co-ins X-ray, blood work, MRI, CT / $75 ER Services / 20% co-ins Urgent Care / $15 prescriptions
BC PPO = $228.93 per paycheck = $5952.18 per year
Deductibles: $600 Individual / $1200 Family
Copays: $30 sick visit / $30 specialist visit / $30 vaccines and well visits / 20% co-ins co-ins X-ray, blood work, MRI, CT / $75 ER Services / $0 Urgent Care / $10 prescriptions
DH, DS (1 year old) and I spent $1700 out of pocket last year, including $300 of prescriptions
DS sees a Pulmonologist (specialist) 2x/year.
DS usually has 1-2 chest x-rays per year
DS will have 3 well visits in 2017.