Back when our kids were both in the same daycare, we got a written rundown of our kids' days! It was fantastic - and if we had any questions, they took the time to talk through things with us.

At our daughter's preschool, they give a quick verbal rundown of how the day went (if she ate well, if she napped, if she did anything particularly different that day) and that's it. I have to say, I prefer the written rundown! But totally understand that it takes the teachers more time to pull that together...

Our son is in Kindergarten now, and the only rundown we get is from our son (who leaves out important details). I try to pick him up directly from school now and then (as opposed to from his afterschool program in the evening), so that I can hear some details directly from his teacher on how things are going. I chatted with his teacher today, and she mentioned that he's been talking in class recently - so that's something we can focus on in the coming weeks (not talking or interrupting).

Do you get a verbal or written rundown of how your LO did each day?