Hellobee Boards


Do you let your nanny take baby out of the house?

  1. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    I completely understand the concerns, and I won't mention my own paranoias to fuel your fire. But I do let the babysitter take my 5 month old of the house. I WAH, and it's much easier for me when they go out for a stroll. DD usually will nap at that time too.

  2. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    @Madison43 & @Mrs. Lion: Love this perspective. She's liked that I've been around a bit over the past 3 weeks. She just started then, and she's had a ton of little questions. I think it's helping her feel comfortable. She had never changed a diaper before starting with us!!! There's a learning curve, for sure, but she's so great with our daughter, and I know it'll be great.

    We live in a transitional neighborhood in our town, so I do worry about them accidentally walking into a scarier part of town. Like, you can walk south with no issues, and north might be iffy ... So I think as long as I communicate that with her, we should all be good!

  3. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    I let (and encourage) our nanny to take my daughter out. I prefer she not take her in taxis unless absolutely necessary (I do the same), and have specified places she can take my toddler (parks certain friends' hones, etc.). If I'm not at home, I ask her to text to keep me updated on where they are going, when they leave, and when they arrive home.

  4. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @Vegmama: I am sure the last thing she wants is to wander into the wrong part of town That actually gives you a really great opportunity to bring up your fears without making her feel like you don't trust her. I am sure it will all work out! It sounds like she is comfortable with you if she is able to ask you little questions without feeling like she is bothering you, and I am sure she will understand if you express your concerns. Good luck momma! It is so hard...but it will get easier!


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