I will start out by stating that I DO NOT want this to become a battle of religious beliefs or whats morally right & wrong. I am strictly seeking knowledge & experience from others.
I am a recent convert to Catholicism & I am still learning about the faith. If I remember correctly from the classes I took it is okay to do fertility treatments until you get to the point of IUI & IVF. The Catholic Church forbids fertility techniques that try to make babies outside of marital intercourse, it is illicit.
DH & I were discussing the possibility of infertility (9 months of TTC, NTNP, TTCx2) & I mentioned IUI & IFV. He came back with sad puppy eyes saying it goes against our faith. I gave him the stink eye and said that didn't stop you when we were dating, living together, having premarital sex, using BC & condoms... Things are different now. I never thought I would convert let alone use NFP as our BC/fertility guide. My fears of being that mother with 12 children has yet to happen.
Have your religious beliefs ever got in the way of your fertility treatments?