Okay, so I'm 4 days post chemical pregnancy and I have no idea what my body is up to and what to expect next!

Let me recap:

Friday - 10DPO: v. faint positive
Saturday - 11DPO: BFP on a digital

Cut to Wednesday - 15DPO: Bleeding starts.

The bleeding was red and was full of little clots (TMI!). I rushed to the City's walk in centre (a drop in GP clinic). The nurse asked me to do a urine sample and, on reentering the room, asked "are you sure you're pregnant?". I showed her my positive tests. She told me that her test came back negative and insisted that it wasn't possible for the hormone levels to drop that quickly so either her test was wrong or my positive was false. Now I know that's not true - lots of women have CPs and their tests come back negative days later because the hormone hasn't had time to build up therefore drops quickly. I decided to book in with my GP that evening.

Well, my GP had a totally different take. He told me to go to A+E (the ER!). He said they would do an ultrasound and listen for a heartbeat and if there was a heartbeat they would try to save the baby. I told him that there would not be a heartbeat as I was only 4wks1d. He just kept repeating that he was so sorry and that I should go to to hospital! I didn't of course - what a waste of everyone's time that would be!

On arriving home, I took a digital and there is was: Not Pregnant. I'd had a CP, no doubt about it.

But now I'm confused! I've had no blood tests, nobody's spoken to me about what will happen next.... how do I know everything's ok, you know, that there's nothing left in there?? How do I know what to expect next??

- The bleeding was medium for one day then was lighter on the Thursday, very light on the Friday, then stopped. 3 days! There was no cramping at all. It was mostly clots. It was totally different to AF.

- 4 days later, my temp is still up. Right up there, where it was post O.

What is my body playing at?? Surely if my temp is up my progesterone is still up? Will I get another AF in a few days when it drops?

And my main question - do I need to be worried that there could be something left in there???
