What's the earliest you felt "symptoms and what were they?
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What's the earliest you felt "symptoms and what were they?
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75 votes
eggplant / 11287 posts
With #1, I had a severe headache at 8 DPO. I rarely get headaches, so I knew something was up.
With #2, I had a huge zit on my cheek at 8 DPO. I rarely get zits, so I knew I was KU. Pregnancy makes my skin oily.
bananas / 9118 posts
Exhaustion 7 DPO with #1 and 8 DPO with #2. That was it until 7 weeks when I started feeling sick.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
With #1 no symptoms whatsoever...felt awesome and had no AF symptoms. I didn't test until 13dpo.
With #2 I had exhaustion. I would just pass out for 3 hours when LO went down for her nap. If I didn't nap I would be so tired at like 8pm and be passing out after dinner. This started as early as 9dpo. I also had spotting at 9dpo and 13dpo. I got my BFP at 14dpo
nectarine / 2031 posts
I had a really stuffy nose and acid reflux and was burping like crazy. That was 8 dpo
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
No real symptoms either pregnancy. I did have one random drop of blood at 9 DPO.
eggplant / 11408 posts
My nipples were gigantic early, like 3 dpo, so I was suspicious. By 6-8 dpo, I had huge zits and was so, so nauseous. I also had a random stuffy nose.
pear / 1586 posts
I had spotting on 7/8 dpo (I don't usually spot during the TWW) and also heartburn (which I never get) starting on 13 dpo.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Total exhaustion- like full body tired, could barely talk a walk, needed two naps a day. Started at 9 dpo I think. My breasts were slightly tender at about 10 dpo, but I didn't vote for that because it was barely noticeable and only a symptom in hindsight.
With the exhaustion- I knew I was either pregnant or very very sick.
I didn't get a positive test until 13 dpo, after a couple negatives, but I was so tired I knew there was no way I wasn't pregnant!
apricot / 435 posts
Looking back, my main symptom was cramping- but it was different from regular AF cramps.
My AF cramps are more of a dull, muscular ache (even when they're strong, they're not stabby, if that makes any sense). From between 5-7 or 8 dpo, I started feeling different, more localized pinching cramps low in my pelvis. Definitely strange, and I got a faint bfp at 10 dpo.
Good luck!!!
nectarine / 2936 posts
I had breast tenderness at 9 and 10 dpo, which I had every cycle. On 11 dpo it was totally gone. That's when I knew something was up and took a test.
clementine / 838 posts
I was exhausted and had wicked heart burn which is very abnormal for me. I tested on day 20 of my 26 day cycle and I know I ovulated on day 8.
cherry / 128 posts
I voted other as my first symptom was very vivid dreams (mainly pregnancy related) these happened from 4dpo and at 6dpo (When I know think I implanted) I had a dream where I was saying over and over again 'I am preganant, I would bet my life on it'. I gradually began to get every other symptom that you listed and got my BFP at 12dpo. Very strange experience!
pomegranate / 3895 posts
I voted for other - the only thing I noticed was my lack of PMS mood-wise. I wasn't having any of my usual pre-AF craziness. Even my husband noticed.
pomelo / 5791 posts
I voted other. I honestly think I FELT implantation. I felt weird little twinges almost immediately. At 5-6 DPO, I felt light-headed and just a general "off" feeling. By 7 DPO, I just knew I was pregnant.
pineapple / 12566 posts
I voted other.
LO1 - I woke up in the middle of the night with strong stomach pains and just KNEW I was pregnant. I didn't test for about 2 more weeks though because he was a surprise and we had just left for a somewhat remote vacation.
LO2 - I had one of the worst colds in years right after I conceived, I was completely knocked out by it. I also had implantation bleeding for a day about 5-6 days before AF was supposed to show.
blogger / coconut / 8306 posts
With #1, I just had a feeling. We were seeing an re so I knew it was a definite possibility. The first thing that made me wonder was an increase in CM, something I don't normally experience.
I had three chemicals in between my first pregnancy & this baby. With each, I had an increase of CM.
I'm 18w pregnant, and my first sign was a mix of things. At 8dpo I had a sharp cramp on one side (implantation?) followed by spotting & lower back pain.
I got a faint line on 10dpo.
pomelo / 5720 posts
With both #1, #2, #3, I felt the weird cramping that usually signals ovulation for me, but I knew I had already ovulated. I also had a strong feeling I was pregnant all three times. I also felt extreme fatigue with #1, right around CD 9 or so.
papaya / 10343 posts
First thing I had was a weird metallic taste in my mouth right around my missed period (maybe a few days before). Then nothing really until around 6 weeks when I was tired/dizzy/nauseas all the time.
persimmon / 1165 posts
I had no symptoms. I was also on vacation when I got my BFP so I wasn't really looking for any symptoms. I tested early just because and got a faint BFP at 9DPO.
pomegranate / 3863 posts
My boobs were huge. Like overnight. I don't know what DPO it was though when I noticed. I got my BFP the next morning.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I nearly vomited Aug 19 when I saw raw chicken. I knew that moment I was pg again!! CD01 was Aug 5 so it doesn't even make sense datewise. BFP over labour day weekend. Then I went symptomless for like 3 months!
nectarine / 2932 posts
At 10dpo my breasts felt really heavy and slightly tender. I didn't test until 12dpo, but that day I also had slight cramps on my left side.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I voted other - From like 2-5 DPO I felt a lot of twinges/pinching sensations. I didn't experience the "normal" symptoms until 13 DPO, when I got a BFP.
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
For me, everything felt like normal PMS until maybe 8DPO? Then I was super bloated, my boobs hurt like crazy, and I had a LOT of cramping.
bananas / 9899 posts
I felt no symptoms until after what would have been the TWW. A little in to week 4 I started having mild nausea, but it was so slight I wrote it off as anything but pregnancy.
pomelo / 5228 posts
For my 2 m/cs, I felt a little dizzy when I bent down. For this pregnancy, I felt nothing and just tested on 12dpo because I always did.
honeydew / 7303 posts
Breastfeeding tenderness at around 5 ish weeks so 21dpo? I felt nothing before then
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
With my son I had cramping starting at 9dpo that could not be ignored. Otherwise felt pretty normal until after bfp.
With my mc I didn't know I was pregnant until later because I was having a super wonky long cycle and had given up hope.
pomelo / 5524 posts
My boobs were KILLING me by 10 DPO. Like...super sore when I touched them. It was the dead giveaway in every one of my pregnancies. I also was peeing about 3 times/night by 10 DPO as well from the change in hormones. Exhaustion didn't kick in until after my missed period.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
Other! Major bloat and my boobs looked bigger to me (or could have been the bathing suit) but it was 11DPO
nectarine / 2466 posts
intense cramping that woke me from sleeping. It was so bad that I was in the fetal position.. kinda like my contractions. I think I got those for 2 days, around 7 DPO.
honeydew / 7230 posts
At 4dp3dt I started having cramps. By 6dp3dt I was extremely exhausted and got really sick at a friend's wedding. That might have been my own fault because I got a little adventurous with the Russian reception foods. I tested positive in the evening a day or two later.
coffee bean / 47 posts
First Pregnancy: got a yeast infection and had sore boobs about 8-10 dpo. Other than that, everything was typical for a non-pregnant cycle.
Second Pregnancy: 8dpo: lots of creamy CM and started to get cramping on one side. Cramping lasted from that afternoon into the next day. Got a BFP at 10dpo.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I can't remember which came first but I think it was HUNGER. OMG I was so hungry. remember being starving which , it turns out, was the entirety of pregnancy for me. I think the second thing I noticed was that I started waking up super early, which is so unlike me.
ETA: The crazy hunger started at 9dpo and I tested and got a good positive at 10dpo.
grapefruit / 4278 posts
My first symptom was a crazy metallic taste in my mouth. I got my BFP at 8DPO, so I think that may have started around 6 DPO.
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