clementine / 830 posts
@arosebyany: That is such great news! So glad your little guy is making such quick progress and that the evaluation was so reassuring. Cannot believe how much it would cost you for therapy, that is outrageous.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@arosebyany: That is a great update!! It is amazing how much they can learn/catch up in a short amount of time! Great job mama..... you can always look into private later on, maybe after you meet your deductible too, but it sounds like he's on a great path
clementine / 955 posts
@Mrs. Toad: yea my mouth hit the floor about the price, the case worker whose worked there for 16 years told me it used to be a hundred percent state funded untill about 8 years ago. I would have gladly paid it though, if he was behind enough in an area where I really felt he needed it.
@nwm: yea, even the case worker was amazed at the cost, she kept saying shame on Texas lol.
@hellobeeboston: it has seen crazy, one morning last week it's like I realized he was transitioning between being a baby and being a toddler, which totally corresponds with what thier evaluation said.
apricot / 317 posts
Isn't it awesome when they hit their stride and learn so much at once ? :). That's crazy about the prices! My state is subsidized, and is on a sliding scale for income. Private therapy in my area is around $300/session (for $1200 a month) per therapy, but early intervention is generally free or (on the high end) around $100/session.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: Yikes, really? DS has fewer words than your DD (mama, uh oh, and maybe a handful of animal sounds) and will be 18 months in 3 weeks. Our pediatrician whom I ask repeatedly about a possible speech delay says not to worry. Sigh. I think I will call for an evaluation anyway ..... Pls update us on yours goes!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@wrkbrk: @Mrs. Pickle: my 19 month old isn't really saying anything! I don't go back to the pediatrician until next month.... he's said words a few times but then won't say them again. He "talks" to us all the time in his made up language, and if you ask him to do anything he will do it, and can point to all of his body parts, etc. so, receptive language is excellent. I wonder if he will be referred next month too.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@wrkbrk: @hellobeeboston: Well my ped didn't say she's significantly delayed and needs drastic help asap or anything like that, just that she might be a little behind so it wouldn't hurt to get her evaluated. She told me I could wait and see a month or two if I wanted but if I came back for her two year checkup and she still wasn't talking she'd need to be evaluated then for sure. I debated a little whether or not to go ahead and call and figured there was no down side. If she doesn't qualify, (she's babbling more and added a new word this week so I'm doubtful she will now), I'm hoping the therapists can give me some pointers on how to prompt her to talk since I'm really good at interpreting her gestures and maybe she doesn't need to talk as a result. Idk. I will definitely update after her eval!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@arosebyany: I'm glad you had a good eval! I got the $$ info and that's almost the full monthly amount for our state! That's great to know that there is 90 days to decide whether or not to go forward. How long were the therapists at your house? My DH is trying to decide if he should take the entire day off or just a half day.
persimmon / 1095 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: They were there for about two hours. It depends on the time if your DH will need to take the entire day.
pear / 1717 posts
I am so excited to see this thread still going. I wanted to update on DS progress. He is officially aging out of the younger EI program and entering the older children EI program. I officially signed him up for pre-school, a mainstream program with half children with IEP and half without. I am so excited for him and so anxious for myself.
It has been sucha amazing process to see him learn so much in these last few months and I am beyond proud of myself and DH that we ignored everyone else who said it was a phrase and moved forward with EI services. I can't tell you how much my heart melts when DS wakes up and say morning mommy...when back in July he couldn't even say mommy let alone all the things he says now.
persimmon / 1023 posts
Has anyone on this thread used OT to help with a speech delay? We have done private speech therapy and are finishing up the public program shortly and our SLP suspects a motor control issue hindering DS in making sounds and words. I have an appointment with a private OT in about 2 weeks for assessment but would love some first hand input if anyone has it (we are in Canada so our system works a little differently)
Also reading through everyone's stories really resonated with me...the worry, the watching other kids progress faster. I'm learning to be thankful for our amazing DS even if things come along slower for him than others. Breaks my heart sometimes but he's improved so much on his own timeline. Thanks for starting this thread!
coconut / 8861 posts
We sort of have an update too. DS #2 is getting tubes in and adenoids out on Monday. He's also been getting more sounds lately too. We're hoping that tubes and adenoids help with everything.
clementine / 955 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: it lasted about an hour and a half. She told me the price and called it the "cost share" which I think is weird since they tell you that before even knowing how many sessions you'll have.
@bubblegum: that is so awesome!
@muffinsmuffins: I don't have any experience with speech or canada lol! But I just wanted to say, you're doing a great job mama!
@cascademom: fingers crossed for you!
persimmon / 1095 posts
@bubblegum: Congrats. We are getting ready for the transition as well. DS will be assessed again in June at 32 months. I don't think he will be 25% delayed, which means he will no longer be in the program.
blogger / pear / 1509 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: I'm just dropping in and noticed your post because my two are so similar in age. T had exactly zero words at 18 months, but within days had maybe 5? Then 10, and suddenly it was like a lightbulb went off and he started mimicking. He still isn't terribly clear with his speech, but at 20 months he has maybe 30? 50? words. I'll be interested to hear if your daughter takes off in the same way. I really believe what helped with T (his gestures were so clear and his receptive language so good, I also felt that he just didn't really need to talk) was being around O who is Ms. Chatty (50+ words by 15 months and now, who knows, SO many). Does your daughter spend a lot of time with kids her age who are further along in their speech? T seemed to watch O mimic and then finally got inspired himself.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@Mrs. Turtle: she spends time around older kids when we have play dates (our friends all have 3+ year olds), but at school she's the oldest in her class. She moves up in the fall and I do think that will help. I think she does better and is more engaged in general when she's around kids older than her.
pear / 1717 posts
@arosebyany: Thanks love!
@Mrs. Toad: Thank you! Whoot whoot that would be awesome!!!! Congrats to you too EI mama!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
DD had her evaluation today. She scored fine in every areas except speech, which is what I expected. She is 4 months behind, or 21% delayed there. She needed to be 25% delayed to qualify for services. They told me to call back once she turns two if she hasn't made any progress or regresses. They did give me some things I can do to work with her. I'm tagging @wrkbrk: and @hellobeeboston: since your LOs are the same age.
The speech therapist gave me a handout to refer to. She said the website at the bottom of the page has lots of resources too. She also said to have her hearing checked and to have her checked for fluid in her ears even though she doesn't get frequent ear infections. She also told me to pick one word to focus on at a time and try to get her to repeat it. For example slice some apples and hold it up to her. Say "apple" and prompt her to repeat it. If she does, and even if she just says an "a" sound give her a slice. If not put the apple away and say "you didn't say apple so you can have some bananas instead." DH and I are going to start with milk because she gets plenty of dairy elsewhere and can drink water if she won't say milk.
It's been about 6 weeks since her 18 month appointment. Since then she has started babbling and has added two or three more words to her vocabulary. I think she will be caught up by 2, but if not I will definitely call EI back.
coconut / 8861 posts
So, it's been under a month since DS #2 got tubes in and adenoids out. He has a bit of a cold, but has been making way more sounds than before. He can say "Mom" "Da" "Moo" "Baa" as his big words. His imitation of sounds is strong too. He also uses a lot of signs as well. Our speech therapist said that he'll use signs as expressive language until talking is more comfortable.
Going the tubes/adenoids route has definitely helped him be healthier and maybe open his ears up a bit. We've definitely had some strides here in the past month towards talking.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: Thanks so much for the update! Your DD sounds so much like Cooper. I will review the handout you posted and the website! At our 18 month (last week) the ped said not to worry about anything until 2 buuuuut like you I know we should probably be at least making a big effort at home!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: thanks for sharing this!!! I'm bringing my LO for a well visit today, he's 20 months, very curious to see what the doc will say/suggest re: evaluation! Lo understands everything, hears well, follows directions, mimics many sounds and has a couple words, but he's definitely behind. We try so hard to get him to talk but he won't do it!
honeydew / 7235 posts
My LO's evaluations are coming up later this month. We're doing the paperwork/intake next week, then his evaluation in about 3 weeks. Of course, after I scheduled everything on Friday I swear he said a few new words this weekend.... but it's really late for him not to be talking and I think this will be great if he qualifies to get some one-on-one time to work on it... His big brother seriously talks for him so much of the time, which isn't helping!
clementine / 955 posts
@Hgr2016: thanks for checking on me , I actually posted this somewhere on page 2 a while ago, but I'm going to post it again for you.
I just want to start by thanking everyone for thier support on this forum, you ladies have been so much help to me. Yesterday DS had his evaluation. I was told by the case worker that in the state of Texas you need to be behind 25 percent in some areas and 35 percent in some, it apparently depends on the actual area. So DS is 16 months and his adjusted age is 15 months, so he would need to be at a 11.5 month level to qualify for services. His scores came back between 12.5 and 14 months in every area except eating/drinking. They call it some long word, but not self feeding is essentially what it is, in that area he is a 9 month old. Now here's the kicker, the services would cost 557$ a month. They would bill the insurance first, but I still have 3000 left to meet on my deductible, and even then They would only cover 50 percent after that. the case worker told me that I could honestly probably get private care for less. What I ended up with was some good tips I could use to get DS to start feeding himself. She also told me that I had 90 days to change my mind, since I refused services. So that gives me some leeway to see if he's improving. Literally though in the past month since I made the apt. To when it actually happened he's made a ridiculous amount of progress in all areas. He's walking now, his pincher grasp is "perfect" (the therapist said) he has 5 words, knows who people are. I now feel like maybe I didn't give him enough time. I forget sometimes that he screamed bloody murder for the first 6 months of his life. So by the time other babies were starting to explore, he was just learning what the floor was, since he was literally held 24/7 for the first 6 months of his life. Time will tell if his development continues steadily, but for now I have some peace of mind, and having him evaluated was 100 percent worth that.
How's your daughter doing?
clementine / 955 posts
@wrkbrk: @hellobeeboston: @Mrs. Pickle: while I'm here lol, I wanted to check in with you ladies and see how the everyone's LO's speech is going? As with everything g else DS seems behind, but I know that my Ped doesn't reccomend anything untill 2 years old and DS just turned 18 month.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@arosebyany: thats great! I agree, I think some babies just need a little more time than is typical
My LO is 21 months this weekend and he actually has his evaluation tomorrow morning! Since we did the intake and paperwork 3 weeks ago, LO is now (finally) calling us mama & dada, and has 5 or 6 new words! yay Looking forward to the eval in the morning anyway and I'll report back.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@arosebyany: DD hasn't made much progress. She babbles more, but no new words. She is using mama and Dada regularly though.
coconut / 8861 posts
DS #2's 6th month evaluation is tomorrow with his therapists and county services coordinator. I'm nervous, but can't wait to hear about his progress. DS #2's health has improved so much since he got his tubes in and adenoids out.
Our speech therapist thinks by fall/late winter, he'll be talking. Right now, he's been tired in general with activity, so he's been screaming a lot lately. It's also the whole 2's tantrum thing too. Good times.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@arosebyany: Hi! Thanks for checking on us! At DS's 18 month appointment our pediatrician was not worried in the least. She said if he has NO new words at 24 months, we will call in back up. He is 19 months now and I would say he has 5 words and 5 animal sounds? Dont get me wrong, he DEFINITELY doenst talk like the other toddlers in his daycare room But we are trying not to obsess about it and hoping he continues to improve in the next 5 months!
pea / 11 posts
@arosebyany: yikes! It is so expensive! Believe me, I feel yeah! I'm glad to hear that he has progressed so much within the past month - that is great! Such a relief for you, I'm sure!! You can definitely find exercises, information, etc. on the web (I've found a ton of help from Pinterest - believe it or not), and videos on YouTube. Sounds like he will catch up on his own. The stress of motherhood - argh!
Hazel is doing well. We have Early Intervention EI, and started services with the Children's Institute, CI!
Monday - chiropractor (has helped her tremendously based off of what her EI PT and OT say - I see a difference as well).
Tuesday aquatic PT @ CI & EI PT
Wednesday PT CI
Thursday - OFF
Friday OT EI
Will also begin OT with CI second week of July.
Thank you for asking! Life isn't easy, but I would not change a thing! Maybe sleep, just a bit more sleep....
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
I just called our pediatrician about my 22 month old twins. They babble a lot but I would say they only can say less than 10 words each. I think they have developed their own twin language. The dr gave us the number to the CT's birth to three program. I'm going to call them soon.
Oh, I was going to wait it out and wait for their 2 year appt but I spoke to my teacher friend and she is the one that convinced me to call now.
My twins were preemies and they were in therapy from 6months to 18 months for favoring a certain side (common in twins).
Oh, at their 18 month checkup, they met all the questions that were asked. It was borderline. Over the last few months, I've noticed they haven't been picking up a ton a new words.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
@bluestriped bee: Call right away, I made the mistake of waiting too long and they had a 3 month delay just to review my application and we missed the window. Plus with the statewide budget situation going on, services stand to be cut and I would not be surprised if this was also on the chopping block...not to scare you.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@looch: Is this for CT? If so, oh, wow. Thanks. I''ll call now.
pear / 1717 posts
Hi ladies! How's everyone's LO's coming along?
We made the switch to Elwyn back in late May and although my son likes the school, which I'm thrilled about, I'm annoyed with the lack of communication. Yesterday I got a session note from his PT that was dated June 6th! Like come on. His speech therapy never started since he's been there and now just coming back from break it's suppose to begin and I've gotten a note from his OT...ever! I e-mailed his service coordinator and she said she e-mailed all of them and that if the communication doesn't pick up to let her know. Of course we're so happy to see DS enjoying his school days but we want to know what's going on. What tools and steps they're taking so we can continue at home. Fingers crossed they step it up and start talking to DH and I.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@bluestriped bee: this sounds similar to my 21 month old! We just had him evaluated and he technically fell in the 'normal' range for language (because they group expressive and receptive together)... his receptive language is excellent but he barely says anything, maybe 10 words or so, which put his expressive score very low.
Anyway, he qualified so we're starting speech therapy soon!
clementine / 874 posts
I know it's been a while since I posted here, but DS got evaluated and was at 2nd percentile for expressive language... He also qualified for sensory therapy to expand his diet (he has a milk allergy so this is even harder). It has just been one month and his language has exploded! He mimics us sometimes, says "hey you!" to get our attention and asks for help! He also started eating peanut butter with other food which is two textures at once!
So grateful for you ladies talking me into getting him evaluated
persimmon / 1095 posts
An update: During the testing for aging out of Early Intervention, DS no longer qualifies. He is now speaking appropriately for his age.
We finish all paperwork tomorrow and will be done. We have gotten a nice thank you card and a picture of DS. We are planning on writing a personal thank you on the back of the picture.
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