Hellobee Boards


+Falling for BFPs+

  1. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    @crazydoglady: Thank you, that's honestly a great way to look at it!

    I work part time, mainly from home, and today I'm actually going into the office so I'm SURE my period will start as soon as I get there!! It's like when you decide to wear white pants and so naturally, AF comes early that day haha. I should pack an extra pair of underwear in my laptop bag just in case ha!

    How is everyone else doing?? I feel like everyone currently trying this month seems to be in the TWW right now, correct??

    I hope you all have a wonderful day! It's Friday junior, yippee!

  2. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @OurEastAndWest: Me! I'm 11dpo today and so scared to test! DH and I are going away for our first weekend away since LO, I'm going to test when we get back. I would SO much rather wait for AF but I'm on progesterone.

  3. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @OurEastAndWest: I'm in the TWW... 7 dpo. I already know I'm going to test tomorrow even though I'll be disappointed, lol.
    Today & tomorrow are going to be looong days at work.

  4. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @crazydoglady: Progesterone has never delayed AF for me. I know everyone is different but be prepared just in case! Hopefully she stays away though

  5. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @OurEastAndWest: 5 dpo here!

  6. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @mrskansas: That's good to know because I would much rather not test if she is coming anyway.

  7. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    So I've been thinking that I am 7 dpo but I may only be 6 dpo

    I got my first + OPK last Thursday morning so technically I probably ovulated on Friday, right? In the past I've always gotten my first positive at night so this is throwing me off.

  8. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @mrskansas: did you test the night before too?

    This month I am counting my opk+ day as ovulation day because I had a very close to positive the night before, and I’ve always gotten a temp rise close to when I see a positive.

    But either way you’ll be there soon! I just tell myself that it means you can’t be sad before 11dpo if you’re not sure (yeah right!)

  9. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @bhbee: The night before it was definitely negative.
    I was thinking that I would ovulate Thursday night or really early Friday based on the size of my follicle and what the RE said. I'll probably just stick with 7 dpo and like you said, not allow myself to be sad until 11 dpo since it could be too early

  10. LabradorLover

    kiwi / 548 posts

    @mrskansas: Lurking around to keep myself busy since i'm on cycle day 2...I think it is a good plan to stick with 7dpo like you said. It's only one day and just don't get upset because it is super early (I know, easier said than done!!)

  11. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    In my attempt to drive myself crazy, I tested this morning with a Wondfo..... and negative! Ha.
    It's only 8 dpo so I still have plenty of days left to give myself wrinkles staring at tests.

  12. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    Good luck to all those trying to survive the TWW right now! @mrskansas @LabradorLover @bhbee

    @crazydoglady: Have a wonderful trip with your husband!! Practice BDing while you're gone bowchickabowwow!

    And I was correct, AF came full-on RIGHT as I was leaving my house to go to the office haha! She is a sneaky little bitch so I would expect nothing less than her to make a big ol' show of it!

  13. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @OurEastAndWest: I'm sorry about AF

  14. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    @mrskansas: Thank you It's funny, I actually feel better now that my period has full-on started than I did with just the spotting. At least now our last IUI cycle is officially OVER and I can mentally and emotionally move on! The spotting was just dragging out the 'hope' that it actually might be implantation spotting for once, even though I knew logically it wasn't. The heart doesn't always think logically, especially with TTC

    Now it's time to look forward to our IVF appointment and make a plan!! Plans always make me feel more in control in an out-of-control situation. And I hope it's okay with you all but I'm planning on sticking around this board a bit, even if I'll be in the IVF section 'officially'

  15. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @OurEastAndWest: I know what you mean. I hate those days before my period when I know I'm not pregnant but I still have that tiny sliver of hope. I'm glad you can move forward and start planning!
    And yes, please stick around here! There aren't many of us who have been TTC for more than a couple of months, and misery loves company

  16. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @OurEastAndWest: I'm with @mrskansas: Please stick around! Keep us updated!

  17. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @mrskansas: ugh I know! It's the worst. I'm going through it right now. I'm guessing I'm 15 or 16 dpo, and AF hasn't shown up yet. I've had a lot of spotting. No spotting or AF today though. But I did have some cramps this morning. It's actually the worst. I am sure I'm not pregnant but I can't be completely sure. If AF doesn't show her ugly face today, I'll test tomorrow.

    @OurEastAndWest: I'm sorry AF showed up but I know how you feel. I just want to get it over with too.

  18. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    I obviously don't know if this are evaps, the start of a + or if I'm just seeing stuff but it makes me nervous. 9 dpo

  19. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @mrskansas: those look like start of something to me (plus you could be a day behind right??)

  20. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @bhbee: yeah either 8 or 9. I've never tested positive at 9 dpo before so that's why I feel like it's not real.

  21. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @mrskansas: I definitely see a shadow!!!! Keep us updated! 🍀

  22. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    I was just dropping in to say good luck to everybody - I was a 6 months + person (+ 4.5 years!) and I know how awful it can be. Butbalso @Marfi: I had the same surgery twice (well, I had an arcuate uterus, which is apparently not quite as severe as a septate) and I was terrified, but it really wasn’t bad. The worst part was the IV, and the anaesthesia made me throw up in recovery, and I got bad shoulder pain, I think from the gas, the first time. But both times (my doctor didn’t think the surgeon removed enough the first time) I was told to take a week off work to recover and I really needed, like, 48 hours. Also I had the first surgery after three years of infertility and four failed IUIs and I got pregnant naturally two months later. That unfortunately didn’t stick but my next IVF was successful - I 100% believe that the surgery was a large part of what ultimately led me to my son. Good luck!

  23. Marfi

    clementine / 794 posts

    @erinbaderin: Thanks! That sucks that your had to have it done twice! Luckily my RE is the one doing the surgery so if she doesn't take enough then she'll only have herself to blame (in theory)! So my surgery was originally scheduled for Wed, 11/8 and I had scheduled to take Thurs and Fri off but the surgery was overbooked that day so I got moved up a day to Tues 11/7. I was originally going to take just Wed and Thurs off and then work from home on Fri but yesterday I decided to take Fri off too. Not because I'm worried I'll be in pain or anything but I'm super frustrated with work right now and really want an extra day to not have to think about the place.

  24. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @mrskansas: I vote for frer and wondfo tomorrow. Sometimes wondfos definitely pick it up earlier. Crossing my fingers so hard for you!

    Just realized I’m 7dpo and I haven’t been thinking about it at all. Thank goodness for a busy week! If I can hold out I really should wait and test Wednesday but that probably won’t happen

  25. LabradorLover

    kiwi / 548 posts

    @mrskansas: keeping my fingers crossed for you because I definitely see something!! Can't wait for an update!

  26. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @bhbee: I only have a wondfo so if I see something I'll be flying down the road to get a FRER haha. I'm not feeling hopeful though.

  27. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @mrskansas: fingers crossed for you!

  28. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    Welp. Femara and ovidrel didn't do the trick. BFN at 13 dpo. DH and I decided to take a break (possibly indefinitely.) The past 7 months have been pretty awful, stressful, and just so disheartening. I've been so distracted and consumed. I always thought I would have more kids but maybe it's just not in the cards for us. For now, I am just going to focus on the kid I have instead of the one I don't.

  29. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @mrskansas: I see something too. I’m keeping fingers crossed it leads to a healthy little baby for you.

  30. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @crazydoglady: big hugs

  31. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @crazydoglady: I'm sorry

  32. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    Negative FRER this morning. If I'm 9 dpo there's still a chance but 10 dpo and I'm not feeling confident.

    I'm disappointed that my super classy trip to Walmart at 6 am in sweat pants and no makeup resulted in a bfn.

  33. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @mrskansas: aww, boo. Hope it’s too early

  34. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    Not pregnant again this month. I'm tired of it

  35. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @mrskansas: I’m sorry it sucks so much.

  36. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    If any of you have had HSGs, what cycle day did they do it? I'm supposed to call when I get my period to schedule.

  37. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @mrskansas: so sorry. Mine was on CD 8. Here’s some experiences if you’re interested. Hugs.

  38. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @Bea: Thank you for sharing that link!

  39. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @mrskansas: I think mine was cd7?

  40. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @crazydoglady: @mrskansas: just wanted to send you some virtual hugs ladies!! I've been there and I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. It just plain sucks and isn't fair!!

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