Hello, all!
Long-time lurker (and new member) here! I was hoping to get a TTC 6+ month started for those of us who have been trying for a while, are seeking/getting interventions, or are pre-ivf (since we have the IVF board.) Since things move a bit slower in the "infertility world," I thought it could be seasonal as opposed to monthly.
Anyway...I'll start!
Cycle Day: 14
TTC Cycle #: 7
Ovulation: October 16-17?
POAS Date: Since I am using a trigger, I will wait for AF
Baby #: 2; DS is 2
Your plan: My husband and I haven't started testing yet because it's soooo expensive (and we pay out of pocket.) So, we are doing our first cycle with interventions. I am on some supplements: coq10, prenatal, baby aspirin, vitamin c, vitamin e, folate. I took femara from cd5-9 and had an ultrasound as cd 12 (normally when I ovulate) and it showed two follicles at 13 mm on each side but she said they weren't exactly "super dominate" just yet. She estimated that I would ovulate on cd 17-18 which is great because DH is out of town.
Favorite Fall Activity: Watching Gilmore Girls, baking, going to the pumpkin patch, drinking hot coffee, sweaters and boots...so basically everything!