Hellobee Boards


February POAS: A Flurry of Positives!

  1. WifeMama24

    grape / 90 posts

    Wishing everyone luck for bpf

  2. WifeMama24

    grape / 90 posts

    Cycle Day: 26
    TTC Cycle: 3
    Ovulation Date:1/18
    POAS Date: 2/1
    Baby #: 1
    What's up this month: took couple hpt today 12 dpo and only 1 is slightly positive waiting until 2/1 to see if af comes then will test again
    For Fun - Valentine's day...Il be working at our restaurant since we get really busy v day so going to celebrate vday on 15th since hubs and I are both off...prob just go out to dinner and a movie and relax at home

  3. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @LAZB: it is Naxos ❤❤️ Have you been? It's my favorite place

  4. PearlyBee

    pea / 8 posts

    Cycle Day: 19
    TTC Cycle: 1
    Ovulation Date: 1/31
    POAS Date: 2/13
    Baby #: 1
    What's up this month: Just using PreSeed. I wanted to just try for the first couple of cycles, without temping, OPKs and whatnot, just because I feel like I would become obsessed and drive DH nuts. I figured I would approximate based on timing/ CM, but the PreSeed it throwing a bit of a wrench into the CM part. My cycles are usually around 32 days, but my last two have been really off.Truthfully, if it doesn't happen this cycle, I'll probably try OPKs, at least
    For Fun - Valentine's day... Love it? hate it? plans? Hate it. No plans...May take my pregnancy test that day just for fun, but I'll probably start POAS at 8 DPO. I just don't know if I can wait the full 14 days, or 15, if I want to test on V-day. It sounds like a nice idea though! If it were positive, Valentine's Day would be a lot more meaningful in the future

  5. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @MrsB2012: yes! We've been twice, it's our favorite place in the whole world. Last time we were there, I was five weeks pregnant with L:)

  6. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @LAZB: I went with my mom and sister years ago. It's on my must do list of travel spots to go with my husband ( and girls maybe too!) It's just the perfect travel destination! Great history/runes/architecture, perfect beaches, comfortable accommodations, airport so you don't have to ferry, the old market is so fun to explore. I have to stop, I'm getting travel fever. Is your pic paradise beach in Mykonos? I can't see it big enough, but looks like that!

  7. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @PearlyBee: welcome and good luck!

  8. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    I never join these boards anymore because of our situation but.... I feel I need some of your BFP luck, ladies

    Cycle Day: 21
    TTC Cycle: Too many to count.
    Ovulation Date: IVF cycle... today I am 3dp5dt (8dpo)
    POAS Date: BT is on 9th February. I will pee before then. Going to try and hold out until 4th or 5th if I can.
    Baby #: 2
    What's up this month: This was FET #8, we've been trying for a second child for 2+ years now, with 3 miscarriages from IVF along the way.
    For Fun - Valentine's day... Love it? hate it? plans? Love it. Hopefully we'll have something sweet to celebrate this year.

  9. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @jaguar: I've seen a lot of your journey. I hope you have some better luck this month

  10. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @MrsB2012: it's actually Santorini, my second favorite place

    I got a positive opk today! My cheapie looked almost positive but my CB gave me a smiley face, so it's go time! This means I'll ovulate cd 20 or 21, which is pretty typical for me. I'm just hoping for a decent luteal phase. I'm putting a pic of my opks just because I like looking at sticks, so I thought I'd share lol

  11. WifeMama24

    grape / 90 posts

    af showed up today so im out for last cycle
    Cycle Day: 1
    TTC Cycle: 4
    Ovulation Date: 2/14
    POAS Date: 2/28
    Baby #: 1

  12. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @LAZB: hahah Santorini is my second favorite place too. I've been 4 times, and I want to go back 100 more times still. It just doesn't get old.
    Hoping you have a decent luteal phase! Mine have only been 8-11 days for the last 5 or 6 months. I'd love to add an extra day or two onto it.
    @WifeMama24: hoping February brings you better luck

  13. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @MrsB2012: Thank you! I feel like it HAS to happen soon. We are all exhausted, and tired throwing everything we've got at this!!

    @LAZB: Go time!

    @WifeMama24: Good luck this cycle. x

  14. Kitkat

    apricot / 325 posts

    @Mrs. D: can you change my POAS date to 2/3 next time you update the list? I'm too chicken to do it tomorrow.

    11dpo today and now AF...so even if I'm not pregnant this is the longest LP I've had so far (they've been 10 days lately).

  15. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @LAZB: that looks great!!!! @jaguar: Hi!!!! Prayers for a BFP!!!!

  16. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Kitkat: Yay for longer LP!

  17. jlm22

    apricot / 343 posts

    @LAZB: Yay! Those are some awesome sticks

  18. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    I'm cheering for everyone. my cycle is WAY off and I didn't ovulate last month. So while we're still TTC I'm not optimistic for this month.

  19. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Kitkat: that's great for a longer lp! I'd love 11 days! The only time I've had more than 8 was the two times I've been pregnant
    @WifeMama24: gl this month, maybe you'll make a Valentine's baby
    @jaguar: gl this month, hopefully a new round does the trick
    @jlm22: remember when I told you I was going to be relatively laid back? I've already failed lol. I never had a true positive opk from the cheapies, so now I'm questioning if I had a strong enough ovulation. I'm not going crazy, because I already have a plan to call my doc next month, but I'm questioning it lol and of course I have a picture that shows I already have a fade out

  20. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    Wishing everyone good luck and BFP's!

    @jaguar: welcome, hopefully this board can be good luck for all of us! Since I'm new to the RE world I have been reading/watching the IVF thread so really pulling for you

    Who else is in TWW?? I'm 4 dpo

  21. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @jaguar: Been following your journey for a while, hoping February is YOUR month!!

  22. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    Ahhhh joining my first POAS thread for baby #2.....!

    Cycle Day: 29
    TTC Cycle: 1--we ditched condoms in the middle of my cycle
    Ovulation Date: I don't track but I thought we missed my fertile window
    POAS Date: I tested yesterday (cycles are usually 26-29 days long) and but that was on an expired test leftover from lo1, and still no AF...
    Baby #: 2

    do I test again, or just wait? I ordered some wondfos that should arrive tomorrow

  23. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @LAZB: I'm not sure if this is common or not. Since my last pregnancy, I have a really hard time with OPK's. I can be totally sure I'm ovulating, take an OPK during the day, and the second line will be barely visible. But, if I take it in the late evening, it will be blazing. For some reason, I can't test during the day, only at night. Which is opposite of what they say. Not sure how often you test, but maybe try testing later and see if that helps get a clearer positive?

  24. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @MrsB2012: these were morning and afternoon, but not night. The darkest one I tested with the same urine that I got a positive on the clear blue test. I guess just different thresholds? When I tested the cycle I got pregnant with dd(only with CB), I got positives for two days, so I thought my surge would last longer.

  25. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    OPK question!

    I got a strong positive yesterday and another strong positive today. Does that mean I should ovulate tomorrow?

  26. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @artsyfartsy: I'd think so, or possibly today maybe?

  27. Mrs. D

    pear / 1852 posts

    February POAS

    None yet!

    1st- KITKAT
    2- OTTILIE
    5- JAGUAR
    8- MARLEY
    11- MRSB2012. LML
    16- LILYANN
    19- MRS. D
    27- SHIZAZ
    28- WIFEMAMA24
    29- NARWHAL
    ? - LAZB

    Cheerleaders: VALENTINEMOMMY

  28. Mrs. D

    pear / 1852 posts

    @nana87: I"d wait at least 24 hours, but most experts say 2 days. But it's really up to you!

  29. Mrs. D

    pear / 1852 posts

    @Kitkat: done!

  30. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @artsyfartsy: yes, I think tomorrow. It's 24-48 hours from your first positive. Get on it girl!

  31. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    Popping in to wish you all good luck this month!

  32. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @artsyfartsy: I think it's 24-48 hrs after your first positive..... Same as lazb

  33. teaparty

    pea / 6 posts

    Hi, I'm new! Made an account ages ago, but now we are actually starting to try for our first!

    CD 22
    TTC Cycle 1
    Baby #1
    Ovulation date: I think CD18

    I've been off BC since last April, so we've been protecting since then. This is our first cycle, so maybe it's my paranoia, but I'm feeling symptoms I don't normally feel at this time in my cycle (cramping/extremely bloated/gassy), and I have a gross taste in my mouth, almost metallic. Or it could be the flu. Trying not to symptom spot, since I can't test for at least 5 days - at the earliest. AF due next Tuesday. So we'll see!

  34. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    I'm awful and have no restraint... so 5dp5dt (10dpo)

    It's something, but it's so so faint I don't even know if I'm imagining things.

  35. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @jaguar: I actually see a little something

  36. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @jaguar: I totally see it!

  37. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @jaguar: I see it!

  38. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @jaguar: I see it!!!!

  39. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @jaguar: I see something!

  40. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @MrsB2012: @LAZB: @Ajsmommy: Thank you all for the responses. I think I ovulated today. I felt the cramping come on suddenly and my back has been aching ever since. We DTD 2 nights ago, last night, and then again tonight. I think we may skip tomorrow and then hit the next day just for safe measure.

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