I've been giving myself PIO IM injections in the butt every day for the last month. I feel like I'm running out of injection sites. I know you're not supposed to inject right into the lumps that form or any spot that is sore. Which is pretty much everything at this point! I do alternate sides every day. I use the heating pad after and massage.
Last night I tried a new spot about an inch above and to the left of where I usually try to stick. It was still muscle (I check by holding the spot beforehand while I walk to feel the muscle flex). It bled a lot more than usual and today is super sore.
I just feel like I have to inject into spots that I'm maybe not supposed to and I'm a little worried that I'll either not get the progesterone I need to support this pregnancy OR I will permanently injure myself somehow.
I still have at least a week and a half of shots (I find out at my next appt if I have to continue or not).
Does anyone else have a similar experience? Ultimately I know I should ask my doc/nurse, but hoping someone else can comfort my worries before I do that.