DH and I have been trying for 9mo. I know that 9mo is not exactly a long time compared to most women who are labeled as "infertile" but...to me, it feels like it has been a long time. ALL of my friends are getting pregnant like it is an "easy A" and I feel like im on the bleachers, waiting my turn. I keep comparing myself to all of them. I am a teacher for heavens sake!! Not a banker, not an hourly employee, not a college dropout...it makes me feel MISERABLE comparing myself to others who have been longtime friends. I am to the point where I feel anti-social. Thats not me at all!!! Finally, DH and my mom spoke up as to how worried they've been. I finally went to see a Psychologist yesterday. Long story long...the guy was a total jerk, I was absolutely in hysterics for 10min in the parking lot...sitting in my car. I know the thing that I want...the ONLY thing that I want is just impossible just to get when I want it. Its not like all I need to do, is go to the grocery store and pick out a baby in the "fresh produce" isle. Its been a really really rough past 3mo. My doctor is extremely positive that my DH and I are able to conceive. My DH is the most wonderful and supportive man. Its just impossible for me to convey these types of emotions to him. I know he tries, but the last thing I want to do is stress him out. One of us is there already. We dont need another one. My doctor put me on 50mg of Clomid. I am in my ovulation today with my 2nd round of Clomid. I am just feeling a little overwhelmed, motivationless, and all around blue. Any psychics out there who can tell me their positive in things working out?!?