Okay ladies, I need to pick your brains.

This is a rest cycle for me - the cycle after IVF retrieval, and the cycle before (hopefully) a FET. My FS gave me the go ahead to use Femara to induce ovulation and have a regular cycle -- because if I left it au naturale, I'd go on for months on end with no period.

We also discussed the possibility of using a trigger shot to induce ovulation. I wanted to wait and see what would happen, whether the Femara would work on its own -- but we agreed that if I didn't surge by day 16-18, I'd go ahead and take the trigger. (Those are the days I've had prime follicles from Femara in previous cycles.)

I guess I'm just looking for some advice -- I've used Ovidrel triggers loads before, but only for artificial IVF egg retrievals, not for regular, try-yourself, cycles.

I'll keep OPK-ing beforehand & make sure I get the go ahead from FS before triggering... but what happens with these cycles? If I get a positive OPK, I don't need to bother with the trigger, right? And if I do go ahead and trigger, is it the same time-frame of 36 hours before ovulation, like with full IUI/IVF cycles?

Thanks for the advice! xx