My 1yo has been getting up at 4:15/4:45 for about 3+months now so I don't believe it's connected to teething, walking, "leaps" etc. He wakes up grumpy and sleepy so I know he needs more sleep. Sometimes he falls asleep on me nursing- I've tried to not nurse him til 6am or so as not entice him.
We are naturally early risers- I get up at 4:30 also but even on days I sleep in he wakes so it's not me waking him.
He takes 2 naps at daycare and I don't think his carer would change his schedule because she's very structured... he gets a 30 min morning nap and a 1-2 hour afternoon nap. I don't let him sleep past 3:15. He's grumpy in the evenings during witching hour.
Bedtime is a very strict 7:30 set by him. Won't fall asleep earlier. And no matter when I adjust it, he wakes up at the same time.
I feel like his naps are quite good and he STTN great. Why is he waking up early? To be with me?!
CIO does not work with him- he completely escalates into hysterics.
What have you done that works?!