My DD1 has always had a big appetite but would ask for more or eat until she's full. Recently though, she's been saying she's all done and then right before bed screaming that she's hungry. I keep wanting to put my foot down and stop the food asking because I think it can be a stalling tactic but 95% of the time, she eats all the food we bring her (whether a snack, her cold leftover dinner, whatever!) and then goes right to bed. Last night DH was home and I was so upset about her attitude at bedtime but when I finally gave in, she ate a giant cold chicken breast from dinner! I felt terrible that I made a huge stink because she actually did eat and then go right to bed!

How do I get her to eat to fullness during dinner time? I solo parent a lot and have a 5 month old that usually wants to go to bed at or during dinner time. I try to time it so we eat dinner all together and then I can get DD2 to bed, but it doesn't always work out so that's part of my problem that DD1 won't sit there and finish if I'm not there.

Help me think of solutions to avoid the screaming "I'm hungry" which wakes up DD2 and delays bedtime even more. I'm at my wits end. I'll take any ideas!