Share your menu plans for inspiration!
This week we're doing:
Monday: Turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas.
Tuesday: Pasta with roasted tomatoes, zukes, and chicken sausage
Wednesday: Leftovers
Maundy Thursday: We are hosting a dinner for Bible study that will need to serve vegetarians and meat eaters, so I'll probably do something Mediterranean, like a big chopped Greek salad with lots of chickpeas and feta, a rice pilaf, hummus, pita, with a Costco rotisserie chicken on the side for the meat eaters. We'll have some grape juice and matzoh for the Communion.
- Good Friday: Homemade pizza and salad.
- Saturday: Leftovers TBD. If there's leftover chicken from Thursday, I'll make chicken salad sandwiches. If there's leftover Greek salad and pilaf, then maybe I'll just make some quick kofta with some ground turkey in the fridge.
- Easter Sunday: Brown sugar glazed ham steak, glazed carrots, some kind of potato, hot rolls, green salad, and ice cream.