My adventurous-eating-1 yo has become a freakishly picky 14-mo. She will eat Annie's mac and cheese (no other type), Annie's bunnies, graham crackers, eggs, peanut and almond butters, broccoli, bananas, oatmeal, black beans, pizza, sometimes Cheerios, and sometimes butternut squash. She will, however, eat anything from a pouch and green smoothies.

How do we get through this stage? Just offer her what she wants? Keep offering green smoothies and pouches as a way to get variety into her diet? Keep offering a variety even though it will just end up on the floor?

Any tips? I am okay just giving her what she wants IF this is just going to be a stage, but I don't want to get her in the habit of being a picky eater or only eating vegetables when they are disguised in a pouch or smoothie. I am also a bit concerned about protein, as she will only eat eggs, nut butters, and black beans. Any other protein source ideas?