My almost 3.5 year old has been driving me crazy. I will ask her to put on her shoes 15 minutes before we have to leave so that I'm not rushing her. 5 minutes later she is playing with her toy/book while still shoeless. I remind her. When I'm ready to leave I see she still doesn't have her shoes on and I go straight to being pissed.

Then i go through the same thing at school when she has to change into her indoor shoes. She is so distracted that she can't focus on changing her shoes. I don't want to do it for her bc at this age she knows how to put on her shoes and she should be doing it herself.

Any suggestions on how to keep her focused on this 1 minute task? Am I expecting too much? Any suggestions on how to keep my cool despite being overly tired-uncaffeinated-up since 4:30am? 😩