For the past couple of weeks we have been supplementing LO's 4 daytime feeds with 2oz of formula. I BF her first until she comes off of her own accord, either because she is falling asleep or because she is frustrated there is no more milk coming. I then do 2 night feeds, BF only.

From 8th Jan to 21st Jan she gained 1lb 1oz. Then from the 21st to today she has gained 7oz. These seem a little on the high side to me. However--after giving her the formula, she still never seems satisfied--she'll squirm around and sometimes do that high pitched squeal when the bottle is finished. Sometimes I try BF-ing her before I put her down for a nap and she will suck for a short while and then flail about in frustration, I guess because there is still not much there.

So--I would have thought with this kind of gain I could look to be scaling back the formula by 0.25-0.5oz, but should I ignore her signs of not being full? I mean, maybe she is frustrated about something else, like teeth, I don't know. She has taken to chomping down on my shoulder sometimes and I don't know if that is hunger or not. I'm reluctant to give her more formula so not to overfeed.