I'm surprised to even be writing this because my first grader, the day schools shut down in March, asked for me to set up "home school" for her because she was so bummed about missing it. For weeks, up until our school system came up with virtual learning (which took over a month to do and had multiple false starts), she was diligently doing worksheets, activities, crafts, reading, etc. that I put together for her. We never pushed it, it was all her doing. However, for the last two weeks, she completely refuses to do the work that her teacher put together for them. She's excited for virtual sessions, which happen for a half hour each day and aren't learning based, and for the one virtual learning session she has on Mondays for 45 minutes, but will not do any of the offline work (they have a couple videos to watch, and an activity related to writing, math and reading each day). She won't tell me why, and insists when I ask her if she wants to keep doing work that she does, but as soon as we go to do something, she completely tunes out and starts asking how much time is left in the "school" block. Their stuff isn't being graded or counted in any way, so I'm pretty much of the "let it go" mindset on the schoolwork, but I know she loves learning and I feel like I'm not doing enough to keep her engaged. Any ideas?