LO is 15 months old, and my supply has been decreasing lately. I suspect she's also teething. When she wants to nurse and isn't getting much, or letdown is taking too long, she has been getting frustrated and biting. When she does it, I have been telling her "no, you can't bite mommy. If you bite, the milk goes away" and ending the nursing session (cue meltdowns and pitiful cries of "milk! milk! milk!"). It doesn't seem to be making any difference, though! She's a boobmonster and isn't ready to wean yet, and I was planning on nursing her for a couple more months, but I'm truly scared every time she latches on lately. It hurts so much! But as long as the milk is flowing, she's just fine. Has anyone dealt with something similar and managed to get through it and keep nursing? Or is the only solution to wean before she naturally decides to do it (I can't even imagine the trauma and tantrums that will ensue)? Help!!