hey everyone,

my last two cycles I was taking clomid, but apart from nasty side effects I didn't fall pregnant and my ovaries were responding badly. This cycle I was given Femara- but I'm very confused as to whether I've ovulated.

I took Femara on CD4-8 and on CD10 I started using Clearblue Digital OPKs until CD12 I had low, then CD13 High, CD14 peak CD16 low and today I'm CD17 and I've got another peak! has anyone else had any strange opk readings with CB? the hubby and I DTD on CD13-14 and after seeing low I thought we'd have a break but now I'm thinking to try again today and tomorrow?

Also I'd like to ask, can a UTI affect the opk reading? my doctor says no, but I've learnt not to trust what doctors say! So the big question is have I ovulated?? I did get ovulation cramps but honestly they've not gone, my pelvis has been feeling weird the past few days.... help :'(