I am going crazy. DD is a horrible napper and we have the worst time going to sleep. She is 7 months old. She mostly needs a bottle (trying to cut that out) and to be held/rocked. She will be fast asleep and the second I put her down, she wakes up and gets this huge burst of energy (smiling, kicking her legs fast). Or of she does stay asleep, she wakes up two minutes later and we repeat the whole thing.
I know she is exhausted because of her timing and sleep cues.
We have tried CIO and it just doesn't work. At night she is hard to put down but sleeps 12 hours straight.
I feel like I'm going crazy. I am a SAHM and I've really had second thoughts about going back to work just because of her naps. I don't enjoy it when it's like this. Just venting makes me feel better but I'd love suggestions.