LO started going to an in-home daycare last Monday at 8 weeks, so he's been there for 2 weeks (after today).
She was having a hard time getting him to sleep, which I get as it was a new environment for him. All that week he would only sleep 2-3 naps for 30-45 minutes max. He was sooooo tired and cranky by the time I picked him up, and she kept saying he’ll adjust. Which I fully expected him to.
Well earlier this week (his second week) I texted her asking how he was sleeping, and she said “he’s been yawning all morning but he loves looking around so much that I haven’t even tried to put him down.” Say what? This was at noon, so since I dropped him off at 7 he hasn’t gotten any sleep? I asked her to please try to put him down, that he had been awake for too long. She said “as long as he’s sleeping good for you, he doesn’t need to sleep that much here.” This is a 2 month old baby! Of course he needs to sleep during the 9ish hours he’s with her! When I picked him up that day he had only napped once for 30 minutes and was SOOOO miserable. She said he had a good day, but I don’t see how. This whole week has been the same. Yesterday I asked her to put him down within an hour of me dropping him off to mimic his schedule at home, but she didn’t because “he wasn’t tired”.
I don’t know how to tell her she’s wrong without hurting our working relationship. It has only been 2 weeks, so maybe they just need more time? What would you do?