I don't know why I'm having such issues with this. But I want to wean from the pump and I'm just at a loss on how to do this without being engorged. Currently I pump once a day around 12:30-1:00 pm. We nurse in the morning then again when we get home around 5:30-6:00pm, bedtime and any MOTN wakeups.

Should I start pushing the time I pump later? How many days should I pump at each new time before pushing the time again? Most days I am engorged by the time I pump. Part of the problem is she is very easily distracted and doesn't nurse well in the morning.
And there is some guilt too because she isn't a great eater lately so I like knowing she's getting nutrition from nursing and pumped BM in bottles.

We will still nurse together when I stop pumping.

Thank you!