For the last week W (13 months) has become an early riser. Like, 4:30am every day. Waking up overnight is not unusual, he's still up once a night on a fairly regular basis to nurse, although he had been phasing this out. Usually, though, he'd wake up fussing, I'd nurse him, and he'd go right back to sleep until 6. But in the past week or so he wakes up at 4:30 and whether I nurse him or not he's up. He seems to be trying to get back to sleep, he lies down, but he cries at first sporadically and then more and more, and then he's standing up yelling his little head off.
He still takes two naps a day but I don't think he's ready to go down to one because he goes to sleep pretty easily and sleeps for at least an hour, usually 90 minutes or more. He goes to bed at 7 and falls asleep on his own, usually in minutes. It's possible that he's teething (I HOPE he's teething, he only has 4 teeth) and he recently got over a virus, but he's gotten both sick and teeth before and hasn't been affected like this.
Any advice? If it's a growth spurt or a wonder week or a sleep regression and I just need to grit it out that's fine, I get up for work at 5 anyway, it's just not ideal, but if there's something that I could be doing to help I'd love to know what it is.