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Highest level of education completed?

  1. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Boogs: huh. interesting. My parents never pushed any of us kids to go to college! haha. I guess they didn't really care as long as we could support ourselves. Neither of my parents have college degrees. My husband has a masters and makes less than my dad does

  2. LittleFox

    kiwi / 673 posts

    Right now I have a BS and DH has an MA, but we're both in grad school for doctoral degrees. He ought to have his PhD in a few months, and my degree will take a few more years (I took some time off to work between undergrad and grad school).

    I would like our LO to go to college, but would also be happy with a trade school if it is in a field he would enjoy and is serious about starting a career in. As far as how high of a degree if he enters college, that depends on the job he wants- I tend to view education as a practical thing geared toward finding a career.

  3. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    I have a BA and an MA. DH has a BA and an LLB. He would really like to go back for an LLM and possibly a doctorate.

    We will expect our children to get an undergraduate degree (or equivalent). Anything more than that will be up to them.

  4. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    We both have Masters of Science in Computer Science. I don't expect our kid(s) to have anything but education after high school. For example if they showed music as their future, they could take private lessons with someone and that would count.

  5. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    Both DH and I have a BS. DH is working on getting his masters at the moment. We expect our kids to get a BA or BS

  6. mrsjazz

    coconut / 8234 posts

    I have a BS and an MFA. DH has a BA an MA. We were doing our graduate degrees around the same time.

    For LO: a BA or BS is almost non-negotiable. Of course we won't frame it that way--but in my household and among my peer group in high school, there was never talk of "will I go to college?" we just all grew up with parents who valued the importance of a college education. A master's degree is up to her!

  7. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    PhD for me, JD for my husband.

    I have no idea what I will want for our children. My parents have always said they just want us to be happy, but I also know they're proud of all of our accomplishments.

  8. skibobrown

    pomegranate / 3388 posts

    Ph.D. for me. Bachelors of Architecture (B.Arch.) for DH. I don't think my kids need Ph.D.s, but bachelors are a must.

  9. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    I have a BA.

    Hubby dint finish college but he makes way more money than I will ever make in my chosen career field (unless I write the next Hunger Games).

    I will definitely encourage LO to go to university. My parents really pushed all of us and I am glad they did.

  10. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    1) I graduate with my engineering masters in May (!!!!)
    2) DH is working on a program management masters.
    3) In 20 years, I imagine a masters will be relatively standard (much like a bachelors is becoming outdated...), but a bachelors is a strong expectation for all of our children.

  11. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    We both have our masters and are CPAs. LO definitely needs undergraduate. We would prefer he get a masters or something higher.

  12. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    BS Zoology for me, I stopped half way through my Masters in Animal Science- the cost/benefit just wasn't working out. My husband has his DVM. We were both expected to go to college by our parents, and we will definitely expect our kids to go to college.

    At some point I would like to finish my Masters, so I can teach more. I always tease my students that their Associates is the gateway degree- from there they will just want more.

  13. phdmommy

    cherry / 110 posts

    I have a BS and an *almost* PhD (so close!) and DH has a BA and MA. I will encourage LO to go to college for sure, as far as post-secondary work...I'm on the fence. I will not encourage her to go the route I did unless things significantly change in my field.

  14. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    I think the naming conventions are a little different here, but I have my bachelor's of engineering, and DH has his bachelor's of commerce and is a chartered accountant! We'll definitely push for a bachelor's from our kids. And a career plan. No point in going to university without a plan for how you're going to use your degree!!

  15. mrs. bird

    bananas / 9628 posts

    haha, i'll admit that i didn't graduate from college! sometimes it bothers me, other times i'm fine with it. i was going for my undergrad in sociology & elementary education (double major is was a requirement at my school if you were going for elementary ed), but didn't finish it after deciding that the public school system was not a place i wanted to be & that i couldn't afford to teach in a private school (they pay nothing). if i had completed my degrees i wouldn't be able to get the same financial assistance if i decide to go back and complete in a different field later. i guess i could finish those degrees & get my masters so i could teach (teachers need a masters to teach in MA), but then i'd have a bunch of loans (my loans through my jr year of college are paid off, yup, i left at the very end, haha) and i'd make less as a teacher than i do as a nanny.

    DH is part way through his masters and his base pay is less than mine. eventually it will be more, but not by a ton. i think it depends on what you want to do.

    we will expect LOs to at least their undergrad & will encourage them to do it at a state school or somewhere they have grants or aid to rather than leaving with a boatload of loans.

  16. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    I have a JD and DH has a JD and LLM. I think by the time any child is college-age, a Masters degree of some sort will basically be a requirement.

  17. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    I have a Master's and Hubs has his Bachelor's. I want my kids to get at least their Associates, but it really depends on what they want to do. Some areas really require a Bachelor's Degree, but I could see other things not, so it will all depend. I will definitely encourage some sort of after high school education though.

  18. twogirls

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    BS, MS, and MBA...DH has a BS. His mom works for a reputable university and he can get free tuition but he shows no interest in going back to school.

  19. PastaAndPotato

    apricot / 483 posts

    i have a JD, and the hubs will be graduating with his bachelors in december (seriously, his last class for it is tonight, so proud of him!)

    i don't foresee us pushing our kids into any education level - it comes down to what they want to do for the rest of their lives, and what they excel at. so, while i went into law, and the hubs went military and then law enforcement, who's to say that our child won't excel in something that requires specialty training and not necessarily an advanced degree? if my child wants a career in one of the trade fields, like construction, for example (which is what my dad does), then it will be much more practical for them to receive proper trade training than an advanced degree that they will likely never use.

    i think that the increased push in this country for post-high school education, regardless of whether there is actually an interest, has led to the accumulation of way too much debt, especially where some students would be better off seeking career specific training outside of a college setting.

  20. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    My husband has an MBA and I have an MLS (master's of library science). He's thinking about going back for another masters in finance, and I'm toying with the idea of a Phd, just for fun. We both "like" school...

    As for our kids, it totally depends on what they want to do with their lives. If they're doing something successfully that doesn't require a degree beyond undergrad, that's fine with us.

    DH and I both worked full time while completing our masters programs, so I think I would encourage our children to do the same if possible, so they are still getting work experience and a paycheck

  21. LazyLightning

    pear / 1664 posts

    We both have PhDs. We'd like the kid(s) to go to college and then decide from there. As someone earlier said, they need to be able to support themselves in whatever they choose to do.

  22. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    I have a BS, and really want to go back once we have a better standing financially (we're paying off too much in student loans to acquire more). I want to get certificates in graphic design and web design, and a masters in communications. Hubby has an associates, which is really pointless. He is in construction, and his associates is in drafting/CAD, which he NEVER does. It would be much better for him to go get his builders license.

    As for our future kids, I would prefer they at least get a bachelors, but I know college isn't for everyone. I would want my kids to have a plan of what they want to do and how to achieve it. Like, if they want to become a builder like their dad, I would want a specific gameplan for how they are going to get the skills and training necessary.

    And I don't know why, but I feel like I would push a daughter more to get a degree. I am very much for independent women who don't need a man to support them, and would really encourage a girl to really try hard to establish a career.


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