LO is 4.5 months now and for the most part, we've had a great breastfeeding relationship. The initial few weeks were painful but it got better and all was smooth sailing for a while.
In the past month or so, I've started getting plugged ducts like crazy and whilst it has only turned into mastitis once (just a mild case that I was able to get rid of without having to go on antibiotics), it is incredibly painful and annoying. Almost to the point where I want to quit BF'ing altogether.
Thinking about quitting makes me want to cry - I absolutely love BF'ing my baby girl. I love that bonding time and love the convenience of it all, not to mention the health benefits she gets from my milk. I really hate the thought of giving it up, but I also can't bear the thought of continuing to have plugged ducts all the time!
I'm currently on my third plugged duct in 6 days (2 on one side, 1 on the other). I just started taking soy lecithin in the hopes that it will help, but as now, I have yet another stubborn clog that DH and I worked on for hours last night, yet, it's still here and painful as ever. I'm trying every trick in the book - heat, massage, pumping, nursing, dangle feeding, and even am trying my own home 'ultrasound' (an electric toothbrush or the back of DH's electric shaver). So far, zero progress.
Anyway, this is really more of a wallowing post, but words of advice or encouragement would be welcome. Anyone else go through a really rough patch with BF'ing? How did you get through it?
Side note: weaning right now is not an option as we have some very long overseas flights coming up in 3 weeks and I'd like to be able to nurse her throughout.